Chapter History
For more than thirty years, the ladies of TGO have worked tirelessly to serve the residents of Chicago’s Westside and the near western suburbs through community projects and relevant initiatives.
The journey of service began in the summer of 1990 when Members Flora Green, Jodice Lee, Wilma Y. McClendon, and Luellen Moore met to discuss the possibility of forming a graduate chapter in the Chicagoland area. The proposed chapter would serve the west side of Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. Later in that same year, Wilma Y. McClendon invited Eloise Kelly to join the group.
Through an intense reactivation effort, as well as interest from transfer members, the exploratory group was ready to be officially recognized by the Sorority as an interest group. In March 1991, the West Cook County Associates of Alpha Kappa Alpha (WCCA) was born. The first order of business was to elect officers. The officers of the WCCA were: Jodice R. Lee (President); Patricia B. Easley (Vice President); Alberta S. Hollister (Treasurer); Valerie Leon Brown (Secretary); and Wilma Y. McClendon (Membership Coordinator).
On November 2, 1991, the members of the West Cook County Associates of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® received their official charter as Tau Gamma Omega Chapter. The ceremony took place at the Ramada Inn O’Hare, where Yvonne Perkins, the 22nd Central Regional Director presided. Also in attendance at the chartering ceremony was Member Loraine Richardson Green, 2nd National President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®.
Initially, the chapter’s programs focused on the fine arts and health, many of which were presented to residents at the Tabitha House – a shelter on the west side of Chicago that provided women that were victims of domestic abuse with a safe haven.
Currently, Tau Gamma Omega is eagerly, enthusiastically and diligently implementing the current programs of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®.
The Tea Rose Educational Foundation was established in 2000 and is a 501 (c)(3) organization. The foundation provides financial support to the charitable projects and programs of Tau Gamma Omega Chapter.
For more information about programs and upcoming events, visit